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Five conversion secrets to turn clicks into sales

December 14, 2021

Below, I’m going to discuss the perfect tips & practices on how to optimize your landing page to convert your clicked traffic into sales. It’s important that traffic funnels your visitors to your website’s goals which could be to subscribe, deposit, or purchase your brand’s products or services. This only works if you have a page designed for targeted traffic that you get from specific keywords in your SEO or Ads.

Continue reading to know the top things you need to focus on to convert your traffic into sales:

  1. Dedicated page 

The important decision you need to make when you have multiple products on your website is to get your visitors to pick a lane. However, you have to build that road. If you have multiple offers for visitors, choose the main one for the page dedicated to it. Then you can put at least 80% of the design and content for that core product in this page. People will be interested in your product—whether it’s the price, features, or testimonials.

Make sure in this dedicated page to lean into that one product but make navigation easy to access other products’ dedicated pages.

  1. Heroic Heading

Since the trend on sliders & rotating images with headlines is over, you want to highlight your product with a strong hero section at the top of the page. This is because website heatmap studies show that sticking with one image and a powerful message converts more clicks into sales.

Choose an image that clearly represents your offer and a concise message to describe what it is. Make sure though to avoid industry jargon. While this shows off your technical expertise, it does nothing to connect with your visitors. Additionally, don’t use hero sections that take up the entire page since you want visitors to see that there’s more to the offer than they’re seeing.

  1. Benefits & Features

Another thing to prioritise in your website is to highlight the benefits before you discuss the features. After all, people are more interested in how it can benefit them rather than simply what the product offers. Since people make buying decisions from benefits, emphasising it allows you to have more sales than traffic. Considering this, you have to look at the features & benefits of your products or services and back that decision with logic.

The tried and tested practice to turn traffic into sales is to put three benefits in a column with visible icons that will draw your visitor’s eyes. Use simple bulleted texts versus blocks of text that might cover the features of your product. Additionally, list up to ten features to sell your product. This allows your visitors to appreciate more of what you’re offering them since it’s visually easier to see. 

  1. Share Testimonials

In your website, you need to share customers’ product testimonials. This is the social proof that you have the best products and it’s a stronger tool that convinces other visitors to buy as well. 

Rather than just written text, use portraits of product reviews to help visitors connect with prior customers. Additionally, use star ratings to quickly display how satisfied your customers and users are with your brand. I recommend going a step further and adding video testimonials if it’s applicable. 

  1. Call to Action

On top of it all, the sales closer is adding a Call to Action on your website. Make your CTA easier to see than anything else on your page. The simple, and often ignored, practice is to make the CTA button a different colour from the rest of the page. Whatever colour it is, it should stand out from everything else. Additionally, it’s best to place it at the end of your page but more importantly, float your ‘buy now’ button in the header. 

To drive in the conversion, use a secondary CTA in case your visitors haven’t completely made up their mind that includes an offer to sign up to your mailing list. This will be your lead magnet because they are reminded of your brand via periodic emails.

All of these are the easiest, but often neglected, conversion practices on landing pages. I cannot stress enough how important visuals are for your page and how they help drive up sales conversion.

Since people typically skim through pages before reading your content, make sure to not use busy layouts or bustling images. Prioritise emphasising clear product benefits, concise features, and engaging visuals and you’ll have your visitors click that appealing CTA button! 

If you need more help in converting customer traffic into sales, QWERTYlabs will be your partner. Make sure to reach out to us so your business have more sales than simply traffic from your target audience.

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