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Should You Embrace ChatGPT for SEO Content? Here’s What You Need to Know

June 22, 2023

Creating content that makes an impact continues to require skill, creativity, and expertise. While human writers were the only ones that can write content before, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT, released in November 2022, changed the game and made it feasible to write content faster. 

The question now swirling among SEOs and content creators alike is not merely if AI tools like ChatGPT can write like human writers, but more specifically, if they can be effectively utilized for SEO content writing. As the demand for high-quality and engaging SEO content continues to grow, businesses and content creators are constantly seeking innovative tools to enhance their online presence. One of the biggest questions that follow is: Should you use ChatGPT for SEO content? This article will probe into this intriguing debate on ChatGPT for content and SEO, examining its potential and the constraints of both ChatGPT and human writers when it comes to SEO content creation.


Understanding SEO Content

SEO content refers to content created with the goal of attracting search engine traffic. This involves keyword usage, readability, and relevance to increase a page's visibility and ranking. SEO is crucial in digital marketing, it ensures that content reaches the target audience by improving its visibility on search engines. Creating SEO content is more than just embedding keywords into text. It requires a thorough understanding of your audience, keyword strategy, and crafting content that offers genuine value.

Understanding ChatGPT

ChatGPT's architecture, based on the GPT-3.5 model, combines deep learning techniques with a large dataset of text sources. The model is programmed to be trained using a method called ‘unsupervised learning’. This means that ChatGPT can predict the next word in a sentence based on the patterns it observes in the training data. These examples below demonstrate how ChatGPT is able to generate human-like text and often produces creative outputs:

Creative: The model can generate a wide range of text types, from fiction stories to professional reports. It can even provide dialogue for fictional characters or simulate a conversational partner in a chat.

For example, you could give ChatGPT a writing prompt like "Write a short story about a journey to Mars," and it could generate an engaging and imaginative story complete with interesting characters and plot twists.

Unique: The outputs generated by ChatGPT are unique, as the model combines its understanding of language, context, and the given prompts to create its responses. GPT-based models like ChatGPT utilise a technique called "sampling" to generate responses. Sampling involves selecting words probabilistically, which introduces an element of randomness into the process. So even with the same command prompt, the model may still structure different word choices or generate slightly different sentence structures. This leads to variations in ChatGPT’s output.

ChatGPT, and similar generative language models, aim to provide personalised responses based on the input and context provided by the user. The model takes into account the specific user's query, preferences, and previous interactions, which can result in different generated outputs tailored to the individual user.

Fluent: While ChatGPT strives to generate text that is coherent and flows naturally, it is important to note that the quality of its output can vary. The fluency and naturalness of the text may not always match that of a native English speaker.

For example, if you were to ask ChatGPT to write a blog post about the latest Content Marketing trends, the resulting text may provide informative content but could still exhibit occasional instances of less-than-perfect fluency and naturalness.

Advantages of ChatGPT

ChatGPT's advantages lie in its efficiency, scalability, and ability to generate large volumes of content quickly. This makes it ideal for businesses requiring a continuous flow of content. However, it's worth noting that ChatGPT may not fully grasp a business's unique selling propositions (USPs) as well as human writers can.

In the field of content creation, human writers offer a unique blend of creativity, empathy, and a nuanced understanding of language and audience––these are skills that cannot be replicated by a tool or AI, highlighting the irreplaceable value of human writers in content creation. Their ability to connect deeply with readers and effectively convey a business's USPs sets them apart.


Content Creation: Humans vs ChatGPT

Content creation requires properly addressing what your audience needs, providing valuable information, and engaging readers. While human and AI-generated content are often well-written, there are fundamental differences to the quality of the content as well as the writing style. Check it out below:

Human Writers

Human writers possess unique qualities such as creativity, empathy, and a nuanced understanding of language and audience. Their firsthand knowledge and insights into a business's values, products, and target audience enable them to effectively highlight its distinctive features and benefits. They go beyond surface-level understanding, adjusting their writing style based on context and purpose.

ChatGPT and AI Tools

AI writing tools like ChatGPT rely on machine learning algorithms to generate content swiftly. They serve as valuable resources for specific businesses with high content demands, particularly in sales. ChatGPT can mimic human-like writing, but may fall short in capturing the depth of understanding, emotion, and creativity that human writers bring.

ChatGPT and SEO content: Where should it improve on

When it comes to ChatGPT and SEO content, several aspects need to be considered before using ChatGPT to write SEO pages, blogs or conducting on-page audits. So it's important to acknowledge that if not used ethically or correctly, ChatGPT does have its limitations and potential risks. As of 2023, the AI does not have a native understanding of SEO principles. This means it does not inherently know how to:

  1. Use keywords effectively: In SEO, keywords need to be placed strategically throughout the content to improve its visibility on search engines. ChatGPT, however, does not inherently know how to do this.

For example, if you were to ask ChatGPT to write a blog post about "the benefits of yoga," it may not naturally include this key phrase in strategic places like the title, headings, and throughout the text.

  1. Optimise meta descriptions and tags: Meta descriptions and tags are essential elements of SEO content, but ChatGPT may not naturally generate these effectively.

For instance, if you asked ChatGPT to create a blog post, it wouldn't automatically generate an SEO-optimised meta description or set of tags.

  1. Link building: Another critical aspect of SEO content is the inclusion of internal and external links. While ChatGPT can generate hyperlinks, it does not inherently know how to use them for SEO purposes.

For example, it won't automatically create a network of internal links to keep readers on your site, nor will it link to high-authority external sites to boost your content's credibility.

Overall, all of these limitations illustrate that while ChatGPT can generate content efficiently, human involvement remains essential, especially when refining and optimising this content for SEO. Therefore, the most promising strategy appears to be a combination of AI-generated content from tools like ChatGPT and the nuanced guidance of human SEO strategists, which together can yield high-quality, SEO-rich content.

What Factors Should I Weigh When Choosing ChatGPT for SEO Content?

While AI tools like ChatGPT provide efficiency and scalability, they may not match the depth of understanding, emotion, and creativity that human writers possess. Businesses should consider various factors when deciding between human writers and AI tools like ChatGPT for any content creation needs. 

Here's how to weigh the pros and cons of each approach:

  • Evaluate the desired level of personalisation and connection with the audience
  • Assess the complexity and uniqueness of the content required
  • Consider the volume and speed of content production needed
  • Examine the specific knowledge and expertise necessary for the content
  • Determine the budget and resources available for content creation
  • By carefully considering these factors, businesses can make an informed decision on whether to utilise AI tools like ChatGPT or rely on human writers for their content creation requirements.

Content Quality

When evaluating content quality, it is essential to recognize that human writers have the advantage in terms of fluidity, creativity, and the ability to deeply engage readers. Their expertise and understanding of language and audience allow them to deliver highly impactful content.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Regarding time and cost efficiency, ChatGPT does have an edge due to its fast-paced content generation and reduced need for human intervention. However, it is crucial to note that this efficiency does not necessarily equate to the same level of fluidity and creativity offered by human writers.

In summary, while ChatGPT may offer efficiency and scalability, it cannot match the fluidity and creativity of human writers. The guidance and expertise of human writers remain crucial in producing high-quality content that deeply resonates with readers.


How Is ChatGPT for SEO Content Shaping the Future of Content Writing?

With the advancements in AI, SEO content creation is set to evolve with changing algorithms and user behaviour trends. It is important to remember that while advancements in AI and changing search engine algorithms offer opportunities for SEO content creation, the human element remains vital and superior. The creativity, critical thinking, and strategic planning of human content creators will continue to be instrumental in producing compelling and valuable content on the web. 

How Will ChatGPT Affect SEO?

In the battle of ChatGPT versus SEO content, it isn't about choosing one over the other. Instead, it's about understanding their strengths and leveraging them in the most effective way. It’s about finding the best ways to optimise ChatGPT SEO into your strategy. The future of content creation likely lies in a harmonious blend of these technologies, creating a synergy between human creativity and AI efficiency.


1. Is ChatGPT good for SEO?

  • Currently, ChatGPT doesn't have an in-depth understanding of SEO principles. It generates human-like content, but optimising it for search engines requires human expertise.

2. What's more effective for business: ChatGPT or SEO content?

  • Both have their strengths and different use cases. While ChatGPT excels in efficiency, SEO content that is backed up by comprehensive research and effective strategies is still the most effective in leveraging and impacting one's business on search engines.

3. Can the two work together?

  • Absolutely! A combination of AI-generated content and human-guided SEO optimisation can lead to satisfactory results.
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