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Marketing 101: Complete guide to casino email marketing

November 2, 2022

Although it has been around for a while, email remains one of the most successful digital marketing methods you can use for your business, like online casinos. Social networking and real-time messaging are cutting-edge channels to reach your target market and a broader audience. 

With over 4.5 billion active users, email is the undisputed champion of marketing channels. Email marketing outperforms social media and affiliate marketing. Every marketer needs access to email marketing because it generates about $36 return on investment for every $1 spent.

How email marketing boost casino brands

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Email marketing with QWERTYLABS helps you target your desired audience and customers through email. Through this process, you can effectively boost your online casino SEO and improve your online casino games backlinks to maximise your brand and reach a broader audience.

Casino email marketing also boosts your revenue by giving subscribers and customers the required data to help market your casino better. Through the help of QWERTYlabs, casino email marketing is made better and easier. 

Why email marketing is important

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Email marketing is still the best tool to cultivate leads and increase client loyalty, despite the popularity of social media. Aside from effectively boosting your brand, there are still other top reasons why email marketing is important for your casino business. Some of these reasons include the following:


You own your list

When you use social media for marketing your brand, your account can be removed or suspended at any time and for any reason on any social networking platform. However, your email list is yours to keep and use as you like with email marketing. Moreover, your leads are yours and can't be taken away from you.

Email is the best communication tool

Research says that 99% of consumers check their email daily. Thus, email marketing is one of the best ways to boost brand awareness and services.

It's easy to measure

After sending out an email campaign, it is best to monitor its performance. Open, click, and unsubscribe rates are all measurable through email marketing. With this, you can see which of your email messages are successful and which ones need improvement or should be scrapped altogether.

Common email marketing you should use

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Smart marketers always look for new ways to establish relationships and increase brand revenue. Whether you're just getting started with email marketing or sending marketing emails every week to boost your online casino keyword usage, you know that email marketing is the best process you can maximise to achieve your objective. 

With various types of email marketing available, you need to choose the best type of email for your brand. To help you get started, QWERTYLABS provide you with a list of the common email marketing you should use:

Email newsletters

Email newsletters are a popular way for businesses like online casinos to keep in touch with their customers. Since email newsletters are so effective at informing customers and prospects about your brand and service, they form the backbone of your business needs.

Aside from reaching out to new consumers, you can use newsletters to inform and engage current ones about the business's activities and services and solicit their thoughts and opinions. 

Dedicated emails

Standalone emails, also known as dedicated emails, focus on a single promotion. For instance, you could send out an announcement about a casino bonus promotion your site offers or an invitation to a casino event. With the help of dedicated emails, you can easily set the stage for your primary call to action. 

Welcome emails

The open and click-through rates of welcome emails improve when they have a human touch and promote your casino brand without being too pushy. You must only sell your customer something new after establishing rapport with them. 

Focus on making a good first impression by showcasing your expertise and your brand's services through welcome emails to pave the way for new customers.

Email marketing terms you should know

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Email marketing includes terms that can sound confusing at first. However, to better understand how email marketing works to boost your casino brand awareness, it's crucial to be familiar with the common terms used in this marketing process. Some of the common email marketing terms you should know are:

  • Opt-in (verb) → Pertains to the act of choosing to receive marketing emails from a person, business or brand.
  • Subscriber → A subscriber is a customer who has signed up or opted to receive emails from your business.
  • Optin (noun) → Optin, also known as a lead magnet, is an incentive for customers to subscribe to your list.
  • Group → A group contains a category of subscribers within a list set up by your business or brand.
  • List → A list is a collection of email subscribers and contains multiple groups or segments.
  • Automation → Automated emails are pre-written emails sent automatically in response to a subscriber's action or inquiry. 
  • Segment → A segment is a category of subscribers created based on their timezone, history, and activity. 
  • Broadcast → Sending a single message to many people is called a broadcast. Broadcasts can also form newsletters, announcements, or promotional messages.
  • Landing page → A landing page is a standalone page with an opt-in form that allows visitors to sign up for your email list.

Best platforms to boost your casino email marketing

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Having the best email marketing platform or service is crucial in effectively boosting your casino brand through email marketing. Each email marketing software offers unique features and functions to cater to your marketing needs. Some of the email marketing software you should consider are the following: 


While HubSpot has a customer relationship management (CRM) feature, it provides effective email marketing tools for smaller enterprises. With Hubspot, you don't need a designer to make stunning emails, thanks to the software's drag-and-drop editor and pre-made templates. The software has several features, including tailoring options, testing and more.

If you want to boost your casino brand quickly and get rid of HubSpot branding, the best way to do so is to subscribe. With HubSpot, you can send up to 2,000 emails monthly without paying a dime. To send more emails, you can subscribe to a premium subscription starting at $45 per month. 


Drip is a marketing automation platform that allows you to build polished email automation processes and conditional statements. Drip's campaigns, workflows, and triggers can be as basic or advanced. Drip can help simplify list-building and lead nurturing to maximise your casino brand's market. 


You can make A or B testable emails and autoresponders using MailerLite. You can select certain subscribers to send emails to as an added perk. With a maximum of one thousand subscribers, you can launch your list at no cost using MailerLite. You can also begin growing your email list and making sales once you have an opt-in form and an email marketing provider set up.


Mailchimp is perfect for email marketing beginners because it doesn't require any technical knowledge to set up and has a clean, straightforward design for the user interface. Not to mention, MailChimp also allows you to add new subscribers to pre-existing segments.


In addition to being an all-inclusive email marketing platform, Sendinblue also serves as an SMS marketing platform for businesses. Sendinblue also features a user-friendly marketing platform where you can easily design automated workflows, segment consumers, and send out riveting emails with a few clicks of your mouse.

QWERTYlabs' services include an efficient online casino SEO strategy where it's convenient to manage your email marketing platforms.

Strategies for effective casino email marketing

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It can be overwhelming for beginners to manage your email marketing to boost your casino brand effectively. However, some strategies you can use to maximise your casino email marketing to reach your goals and engage a wider audience. 

Some of the best strategies for effective casino email marketing include:

Keep emails simple and contextual

Over 120 emails per day is the average amount received by most people. Emails could easily be buried in the sea of others competing for readers' attention. The only way to get people to open your emails is to make them relevant. 

Customers who recently placed a bet on casino games or sports are more likely to respond to an email regarding casino promotions or sports betting events.

Customise emails through segmentation

Marketers should make greater use of the high-converting strategy of customised email. Highly customised and targeted campaign results will receive more attention from subscribers. 

To customise your emails, you can make groups based on users' likes and dislikes and use that info to send them emails tailored to their specific needs and problems.

Handle unsubscribes smartly

It's discouraging when people start unsubscribing since it takes work to build an email list. However, making unsubscribing more complicated will hurt client satisfaction and your business' reputation. This is why you should always include a way for your email subscribers to unsubscribe. 

By handling unsubscribers smartly, your email list will remain clean and manageable.

Common email marketing mistakes to avoid

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Email marketing can be tricky, especially if you need help figuring out what to do and which ones to avoid doing. If you want more people to receive your emails and to take action that results in higher revenue for your casino brand, you need to avoid committing these common email marketing mistakes: 

Not utilising message previews

Most email clients have previews that summarise the messages' contents quickly. The email preview serves a similar purpose as the introduction of a news article. With emails, readers want to know if the rest of the content is worth their time.

Message previews should give prospects a chance to decide whether or not they wish to continue reading the email they receive. This is similar to how the first line of an article should pique the reader's interest.

It's crucial to remember that the first line of any email receives the most consideration. Words that nobody reads don't sell or market anything.

Not allowing readers to reply

No one enjoys getting emails with the statement 'do not reply. If recipients of your emails cannot reply and ask questions, they will likely turn elsewhere and forget about your email.

To avoid this, keep an open line of communication with your readers. If the volume of responses becomes too much to handle, add a 'contact us link that takes visitors to a cleanly laid-out page tailored for questions and information requests.

Penning poor subject lines

An email is a common form of communication, and most people get a lot of it. Due to this, many people only give commercial and marketing emails the briefest of glances before deleting them all. 

It's best to create catchy subject lines for your email marketing to compel readers to open them to avoid this. Emails with overly dramatic subject lines are quickly identified as spam. Readers will roll their eyes and click the delete button even if they don't mark the sender as spam if the message sounds too good to be true.

Using too many graphics and stock images

Most customers have access to fast internet connections that can load image-heavy content quickly. However, just because images can be loaded fast doesn't mean the whole campaign should be on visuals alone. This would turn off readers and make the email seem pointless.

Charts and sale graphics, when used properly, can boost conversion rates. However, too many of these can ruin the entire email content, so moderation is key.

Boost your casino email marketing with QWERTYLABS!

QWERTYLABS can help you effectively use casino email marketing to boost your brand and reach a broader audience to generate more customers that will engage with your services. With QWERTYLABS' tailored services, reaching your goals is easier and more efficient. 

To know more about our offer, you can visit our site, read our blogs and contact us for more information.

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