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Embrace the future of web development with web testing automation for your online casino

July 18, 2024

In the fast-paced world of web development, ensuring a flawless user experience is paramount. Due to their increasing complexity, manual testing can be time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. This is where web testing automation comes into play.

This practice checks for accuracy, ease of use, security, and performance across devices, using technology to streamline these processes. Automation frees you up to focus on web development's creative and strategic aspects, such as what content to put out.

Ready to unlock the power of web testing automation and develop exceptional websites? This guide by QWERTYLABS will show you how to do it for your online casino brand.

What is web testing?


Web testing isn’t just a simple check-up; it’s a set of techniques to ensure your sites or web applications work flawlessly. The web testing process involves various activities, all with one goal: to spot and remove website bugs that could affect functionality. By doing tests, you can catch issues before they impact real users.

How do you do web development testing?

Your approach will depend on your needs and goals. For a general idea as to how these are typically conducted, have a look at this quick overview:

  1. Functionality testing

The first step is often to test all features on your website, such as the client-server interaction. Specifically, you’ll test your links, forms, cookies, and other elements directly impacting the user experience.

  1. Usability testing

Gather people like your target audience to test your website’s navigation and content. Ask them to check menus, buttons, and anchor texts or links across all web pages. Also, include the quality of your content, verifying that it’s user-friendly and well-written with no grammatical errors.

  1. Interface testing

Your website has many parts working together. This step lets you check if the application, web server, and database server can communicate smoothly. This means that requests are sent correctly to the database and that the information from the database is displayed correctly to users.

  1. Compatibility testing

Ensure that your website has a responsive design on any device or browser. Tests compatibility with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, among others. Moreover, it’s ideal to optimise your site for mobile use by testing its performance on iOS and Android devices.

  1. Performance testing

Evaluate how well your website runs under various conditions, such as how fast it responds across different internet connection speeds or loads with varying traffic levels.

  1. Security testing

Finally, you’ll test how safe your website is against unauthorised access and attacks done through malicious software. This aims to uncover weaknesses in security measures and ensure that user data and private files are protected.


Types of web testing


Now that you know how testing works, let’s delve deeper into what’s involved. Each testing type is essential; they all work together to create high-performing websites. Think of them as doctors who look at a specific part of your site’s health, such as functionality or user experience. 

In addition to those mentioned above, here are other types of testing that you’ll want to learn about:

Unit testing

Before putting together your website, it’s vital to check that each part works correctly. Unit testing validates individual components, like functions, early in development. Fixing minor issues now prevents big bugs later, ensuring a solid foundation.

Smoke testing

This is a quick check-up before further testing. After every new build, it's necessary to confirm that the website is stable enough. This way, you’ll avoid wasting time and effort on in-depth tests if the website doesn’t work well on a basic level.

Sanity testing

You'll want to double-check that it works when you add a new section, like a shopping cart. This is where sanity testing comes in. After verifying that the build is stable, it’ll check the latest code or function you’ve added to see if it acts as planned.

Regression testing

You must retest existing functions after making any code changes to catch any conflicts. Regression testing helps you maintain a stable website by ensuring new code doesn’t disrupt previously working features.

Integration testing

You integrate individually tested units of your website, like the login form or shopping cart, to test your site. While each component might work well independently, issues can arise once connected. This test helps identify such problems before they impact real users.

Testing the visual elements

First impressions matter, and websites are no exception. Visual testing ensures that your site’s visual elements, such as text layout and images, remain consistent no matter what users use. This is crucial since new browsers might render everything perfectly, while older ones could distort graphics.

Testing Web Application Programming Interface (APIs)

This involves sending requests to endpoints to verify functionality, security, and performance. Simply put, it works to see if different parts of your website respond correctly to user actions. This ensures the site features work, user data is secure, and everything runs smoothly.


Importance of web testing in modern development

In today’s digital age, having a reliable website is a must. That’s where the importance of web testing comes into play. Like a building needs a solid foundation, a website’s success hinges on its quality assurance testing. This is a checkpoint throughout the development process, ensuring everything works well before launch.

Here are four reasons why doing it is so important:

User experience

Is your website easy to navigate? Can users find what they need quickly? Test navigation menus, content clarity, and responsiveness across different devices. Doing so helps you deliver a user-friendly experience, which keeps visitors engaged while on your platform.


Websites are vulnerable to cyberattacks that can steal data or disrupt operations. Web testing helps identify weaknesses in your site’s code and structure that hackers could exploit. Regular security testing protects your website and builds trust between you and your users.


People like a fast website. Imagine waiting for images or text to load, only for them to crawl in individually. This frustrates visitors and drives them away. By ensuring optimal performance through testing, you keep users satisfied. 


Your website should be welcoming to everyone, including those with disabilities. Testing ensures your site adheres to standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), including features like video and audio captions and compatibility with keyboard navigation. By making your website accessible, you expand your reach and build a reputation as a brand that cares about inclusivity.

Tools used for web testing and automation

Automated web testing tools can be your trusty sidekick. Imagine someone who clicks through every page, fills out forms and tests various functions—that’s precisely what these tools do!

Using them lets you streamline your workflow, catch bugs early, and deliver a website that works without issues. Let’s explore some of the most popular web testing software options below:


This isn’t just any project management software; it’s built to be adaptable to your specific workflow. Here’s how it can help your development team work smarter:

  1. Customisable: Tailor the platform to your quality assurance (QA) projects. With Custom Fields, you can add as many details as you need to track bugs.
  2. Easy collaboration: Users can collaborate on projects using features like digital Whiteboards, Documents, Comments, and Proofing.
  3. Real-time reports: Custom dashboards help you keep track of everything. Reports also allow you to monitor and share progress easily with your team.
  4. Multiple view options: There are 15 ways to visualise your tasks. Choose from a List, Table, Gantt chart, Calendar, or Board view layout.
  5. Pre-built templates: Access a library of customisable templates, including ones designed for software engineering and product teams. 


This screen recording tool goes beyond simple video capture. It automatically picks up critical data like console logs and network requests bundled into one link. This helps your team view all bug details in one place, simplifying communication with everyone involved in the project.

Jam integrates with popular tools like ClickUp, Slack, and GitHub as a Chrome extension. With it, you can share bug reports directly within your workflow.


This tool allows you to test your website on over 3,000 real devices and browsers without leaving your desk. It empowers your QA team to guarantee that your website works well on all major devices. BrowserStack can also work with tools like GitHub and Slack to simplify your testing process and keep your team in sync. Moreover, it offers page performance insights to help you spot areas for improvement during regression testing.


Filling out forms during testing can be a tedious chore. FakeFiller lets you automate this job, handling any type of form, from basic logins to more lengthy checkout processes. By using it, you can spend less time on the repetitive task of manual data entry and more time testing the actual functionality of your forms.


Use TestRail to write down and track all your plans in one place. This way, you can maintain traceability throughout the testing periods. When you can easily keep track of your progress, you’ll be able to work more efficiently, which leads to faster project delivery.

TestRail lets you monitor progress, identify issues, and make data-driven decisions to optimise your testing approach. With real-time reports, you can also gain insights into your testing as it happens.


Use Selenium to automate functionality testing on various web browsers. You can check your site’s performance across popular browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge, and more. Plus, you can write test scripts in the language that suits your team best.

Selenium supports programming languages like Python, C#, and Java, allowing seamless integration into your existing web development workflow.


Benefits of automation in web development

The big question is, what is automation, and why is it so great for business? Imagine a world where a tireless assistant does all the tedious tasks of web testing for you faster and more accurately. That’s the beauty of automation. It saves your team valuable time and mental energy.

By making use of automation tools, you can speed up your web building and unlock a great deal of benefits, including:

BenefitHow it helps you
Improving accuracyEliminates risks of human error Ensures precision in bug tracking and reportingHandles tedious tasks to save you money and timeAllows developers to focus on writing cleaner, well-structured code.
Boosting efficiencyAutomates repetitive tasks like cross-browser testing and form testingReusability of scripts, like login scripts, with minor changes for similar projectsEnables 24/7 testingSpeeds up the testing stage and project delivery.
Ensuring consistencyEliminates human inconsistencies in manual testingEasier progress tracking for new QA team members with project management toolsAutomated tests follow pre-defined scripts for each run, making it more reliable.
Cost-effectivenessGreat return on investmentReduces development costs due to less time spent on repetitive tasksMinimises errors that could lead to costly fixesEnables reusability of test elements across projectsImproves resource allocation and efficiency in project management.

Web automation is your secret weapon to a faster and more productive web testing process. It can help you see major improvements in speed, accuracy, code quality, and overall website success.

Emerging trends in web testing and automation


The world of web development is constantly evolving, and the tools used for web testing are keeping pace. Here’s a look into some of the latest trends that are shaping the future of web development through enhancements in web testing automation:

AI and machine learning integration

Imagine having a super smart assistant that helps you build your website to make it faster, better, and more reliable. That’s what artificial intelligence (AI) brings to the table in web development. Here’s how it can make your website stand out:

  • Streamline script creation for tests
  • Pinpoint potential issues before they happen
  • Assist in creating intuitive web features.

Shift towards continuous testing in DevOps

DevOps is a powerful approach combining development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams. By working together, DevOps helps you build websites faster, more securely, and more efficiently than ever. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Continuous testing is integrated throughout the entire development process.
  • Bugs are caught early on before they become bigger problems.
  • Websites are built with fewer errors and a higher quality.

Growing importance of security testing

With cyber threats on the rise, security testing is no longer an afterthought. These tests identify vulnerabilities in your website’s security measures before hackers can exploit them. These tests ensure that:

  • Only authorised users can access sensitive data
  • Private user data is securely stored
  • A robust defence tool is in place for your website.

Don’t wait for a cyberattack to happen! Make security testing a regular part of your website maintenance routine. It’s a wise investment that protects your users and your reputation.

Emphasis on user experience testing

The best website is one that’s easy and enjoyable to use. Testing the user experience focuses on evaluating how real users interact with your website. This feedback helps you find areas for improvement in website design, user interface, and overall usability.

So, if you want a website that’s not just functional but truly user-friendly, focus on user experience testing. It’s the solution to unlocking a website that users will love.

Make your online casino website better with QWERTYLABS

Web testing automation isn't just a time-saving tool; it's a game-changer for website development. By automating repetitive tasks, you free up your team to focus on innovation and user experience. QWERTYLABS can be your partner in creating a smooth and efficient website that gives you the desired results. 

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to optimise your website for peak performance, including web development and web testing services. Work with us today and unlock the full potential of your online casino. Let’s create a platform that’s a winner for you and your players!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the future outlook for web testing and automation?

New tools with AI and automation are making testing faster and more accurate, which means quicker web development for you. Plus, these tools work well with DevOps practices, which helps build websites and apps that are secure, reliable, and work great on any device.

Why is web testing and automation significant in web development?

  • Helps you catch bugs early before your website goes live.
  • Eliminates errors that can happen with manual testing.
  • Handles repetitive tasks, freeing developers for more strategic and creative work.
  • Faster website launch with more efficient website testing.
  • Less rework and faster development mean less costs.

What is web automation?

Web automation involves using software tools to perform repetitive tasks such as filling out forms, testing website links, and clicking through features. This frees time and helps ensure the tests are performed consistently and accurately.

What is the future of web development?

Web development is getting brighter! In the future, AIs can quickly create and improve websites. Plus, the following features will play a key role in web development:

  • Automation
  • Personalisation
  • Optimisation
  • Enhanced security
  • Accessibility.
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